
Board Game Design Enthusiast

I've been a hobbyist board game designer since 2018. This part of my website is dedicated to showing you some of the games I've been working on. You can see them categorized based on their level of completion.


Finished Games

The Shield of Achilles cover image
The Shield of Achilles - How the game looks like

In Development

What are they?

These are the games I'm currently working on. Some of them - I hope, are getting closer to being published one way or the other, some need lots of work.

Abandoned Prototypes

What are they?

This is the name I gave to game ideas that I haven't touched in the past 12 months. Maybe at some point, they will move back to the In Development phase.

Connect with me on BoardGameGeek!

Or let's play something on BoardGameArena: @basadani.


Contact Me

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Some possible update type:
- I am looking for playtesters
- The game found a publisher, and I want to tell you the good news.
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